Portfolio Investments

The core of Kusinkapitals investment strategy is to be invested in publicly traded equities. In our stock picking we focus on high quality companies with strong management teams that can create value in the long run.


The purpose of the portfolio investments is to be a solid core of Kusinkapitals strategy. The portfolio is the most liquid part of Kusinkapitals investments. The portfolio is global, has long-term horizon and aims to generate higher returns than the general market.  


We execute our strategy through our fundamental analysis and our own stock picking. We focus on quality companies with strong earnings growth that we can own long term, but also leave room for shorter term opportunistic investments.  


As a Family Office and long-term investor, we want to contribute to sustainable development for future generations through our investments. Therefore, taking into account the environment, social responsibility and good governance is a cornerstone of our investment process and investment decisions. We are also interested in the so-called “Impact investing” investments and the opportunities it offers to contribute to a better and more equal future together with other investors.